
Rural Tourism Cluster

discover rural

Through Rural Tourism Cluster

Routes and hiking paths at the best and most worthwhile locations, with suggestions for cultural high-spots, food and wine tasting tours and other such.

About epaithros Cluster

Rural Tourism Network epaithros, is an innovative cooperative formation that supports its member businesses with modern ways and methods to improve their performance.

epaithros is the first rural tourism networking umbrella in Greece that develops, strengthens and enriches the tourism product, improves the competitiveness and development of members, foresees and prepares the future.

The vision of epaithros

Networking and support provider of tourism in the Greek countryside based on Progress and Sustainability.

epaithros aims

  • Tourism development Monitoring
  • Evaluation of the tourist product in each area
  • Upgrade of tourist products and services
  • Support & Development of its Members businesses
  • Management of Rural Tourism in Greece

What epaithros offers

  • Support and Promotion Platforms (B2B & B2C) Epaithros & Rural Greece
    Advertising, promotion & extroversion
  • Information – Education
    Information & training in areas of activity of the members
  • Research – Studies
    Elaboration of regular thematic and spatial surveys and studies
  • Extraversion – Projection
    Joint actions to highlight, promote and collaborate with members
  • Business Support
    Monitoring – guidance and advisory support