Brand management applications

Within the framework of the JoinOuT project, Altervision S.A. conducted secondary research (desk research) on open sources on the internet for collecting. analyzing, and evaluating digital data, studying cases of excellence (benchmarking), and investigating market trends in destination branding & marketing. Additionally, primary research was conducted through structured questionnaires on behalf of the Region of Crete, which was used to meet the needs of the Destination Evaluation Tool BESC.

The information gathered was utilized for the design of the innovative methodological tool Brand Equity Scorecard (BESC), which concerns innovative Branding and Marketing services for outdoor activities with cultural elements and measures the added value of a destination brand, as perceived by visitors-consumers. Altervision also focused on creating the management model Culture Impact index, based on the broader strategy of the Brand Equity Scorecard (BESC) and its parameterization in Cultural Brand Equity, aiming to link the brand with the material and immaterial cultural assets of the region. and achieve cultural added value. The final deliverable of Altervision S.A. describes brand building actions to improve the brand image and records service and product benefits based on strategic planning, high quality, and state-of-the-art design, social sensitivity, and responsibility. The holistic packaging of service and experience bundles is expected to express the brand promise in the best way possible and increase its existing value.

The benefits that can arise from this holistic approach include: 1) creating a strong and differentiated destination identity, 2) visualizing inspiring ideas. 3) enhancing group bonds. 4) enhancing corporate image and highlighting the values of a company operating in the tourism-cultural sector, 5) strengthening relationships with visitors, suppliers, and networks, 6) differentiation from competition, 7) improving corporate reputation, 8) opportunity to present new trends and methods in rural tourism and cultural tourism. 9) generating positive publicity and opportunities for media exposure.

The project entitled “Joint Innovative Activities for Outdoor Tourism and distinctive title: “JoinOuT, is implemented within the framework of the Action “Cooperative Innovation Formations/SCC-2nd Call: Businesses and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by National Resources in the context of the Operational Program “Competitiveness. Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK) of the NSRF 2014-2020” (Project code: FF2CL-0350457).