The Ministry of National Economy and Finance has published the announcement of the Action “Erevno-Kainotomo”. The Action will be financed with resources from Greece and the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund and will be included in the “Competitiveness” Program 2021-2027, in Priority 1 “Strengthening research & innovation”, in policy objective (PO) 1 “A more competitive and smarter Europe through the promotion of innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity” and contributes to the specific objective “1.i: “Development and strengthening of research and innovation capacities and exploitation of advanced technologies”.
The total Public Expenditure of this call amounts to three hundred million euros (300,000,000€) and is distributed as follows:

The indicative Public Expenditure (in €) per Intervention and Region Category is:

For the greater effectiveness of the Action and the financing of as many projects as possible, the possibility of transferring allocated funds between Interventions will be examined, as well as with regard to the indicative distribution per priority Thematic Area.
Public Expenditure is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by National Participation. The ERDF contributes to reducing disparities between the levels of development of the various regions within the Union and to reducing the backwardness of the less developed regions by participating in the structural adjustment of regions whose development is lagging behind and in the conversion of declining industrial areas, including sustainable development and addressing environmental challenges [Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1058].
The beneficiaries
Beneficiaries within the framework of this Action are Enterprises and Research Organizations, as well as Other entities that are treated either as Research Organizations or as enterprises, that participate in research projects and meet the requirements set out in the Detailed Call for Proposals for the Action, which forms an integral part of this Decision.
The requests
The applications for funding for research projects that will be submitted will concern the 8 areas of the National Smart Specialization Strategy 2021-2027:
1. Materials, Construction & Industry
2. Tourism, Culture & Creative Industries
3. Agri-Food Chain
4. Environment & Circular Economy
5. Life Sciences, Health, Pharmaceuticals
6. Transport & Supply Chain
7. Sustainable Energy
8. Digital Technologies
The starting date for eligibility of expenditure is the date of submission of the funding application. The maximum duration for completion of the physical and financial scope of the research project cannot exceed thirty-six (36) months, from the date of notification of the Decision approving the evaluation results, with the possibility of extension by a period equal to one third of the initial duration. Intervention IV proposals will have a duration equal to that approved by the “Horizon Europe” Programme. The starting date for electronic submission of funding applications to the Integrated State Aid Information System, for all Interventions of the Action, is Thursday 06.06.2024 at 12:00 with closing dates as follows:
– for Intervention I on Wednesday 10.07.2024 at 15:00
– for Intervention II on Wednesday 17.07.2024 at 15:00
– for Intervention III and IV the Call will remain open until the available budget per Region Category is exhausted and at the latest until Wednesday 27.11.2024 at 15:00.
The application process
Applications that are not submitted electronically will not be eligible for funding. No application will be accepted after the deadline for electronic submission of Funding Applications.
*The call for the Action to be published in the DIAVGEIA program and posted on the websites of the EYD of the “Competitiveness” Program, of the ESPA, of the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Republic, of the Action and of the EYDE EC at
**Detailed information and updates are provided by the Information Office of the EYD of the “Competitiveness” Program at 801 11 36 300, at the contact email: