Within the framework of the JoinOuT project, GREEK FERRIES CLUB has completed the original software for personalized recommendations. Initially, usage scenarios were analyzed, database design was conducted, mockup screens were designed for the user application interface, and the proposal management application for businesses was designed. Finally, Implementation of all parts of the software was carried out, which was tested in a laboratory environment before its pilot evaluation.

The tasks leading to the completion of the Personalized Recommendation System included:
- Recording usage scenarios
- Database design
- Design and implementation of screens for the visitor mobile application
- Design and implementation of proposal management screens
- Integration of services and functions
- Test usage – Content selection
The frontend of the application was developed using the Angular web framework, an open-source frontend framework for building single-page applications developed by Google. Angular provides a modern approach to application development that ensures code maintainability and scalability. Additionally, lonic technology was utilized, offering a wide range of modern Ul components to create a contemporary user environment.
For the backend of the application, the Spring Boot Data Rest framework was used, an extension of the Spring framework, a Java-based framework for developing web applications. This system of automatic configuration reduces the need for boilerplate code and allows for the development of better business logic.
The objectives of the project were to complete the functional environment of the mobile application, providing recommendations to visitors based on their travel profiles and the interface targeting businesses to create proposals and activation criteria for sending them to visitors.
The project entitled “Joint Innovative Activities for Outdoor Tourism” and distinctive title: “JolnOuT”, is implemented within the framework of the Action “Cooperative Innovation Formations/SCC” 2nd Call Businesses and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by National Resources in the context of the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)” of the NSRF 2014-2020″ (Project code: ГГ2CL-0359457).