
Sfakia Municipality

E4.29-30 Kallikratis - Asi Gonia - Argiroupoli

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
16000 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From Kallikratis (1), we follow the road in a south-easterly direction, initially passing through a small dry valley. After about 2,5 km we come to a path branching off to the right (2) which leads to the Myriokefala village.

At this point, the western part of the Prefecture of Rethymnon can be seen towards the east, in the distance.

We follow the left-hand branch of the road which winds on the slope, seeing a valley surrounded by hills, located south-east of Asi Gonia, below, ahead of us.

E4.26 Patsianos - Fragkokastelo - Kato Rodakino

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
17000 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
Nature Activities

From Patsianos and Kapsodasos (1), we follow the main road towards the east. Approximately 950 m after the exit of Kapsodasos, we come to a right-hand turn (2) of the main road which passes through the plain in a southerly direction, and after 2,1 km ends exactly in front of the fortress of Frangokastello (3).

We then follow the asphalt road eastwards for 4,5 km and arrive at the village Skaloti (4).

E4.25 Kallikratis Plateau - Patsianos

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
7000 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
Nature Activities

Departing from the church at Kallikratis, we come to a left turn (going to Asi Gonia), at the exit of the village (1); we ignore it and continue straight on, passing through a small plateau and a few scattered clusters of deserted houses.

After about 1.200 m, we see a low hill on our right, on top of which there is a chapel (2). Immediately after the hill, the road goes along the eastern bank of a dry water course, for 1.500 m.

E4.24 Askifou - Impros - Kallikratis

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
17500 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
Nature Activities

From Ammoudari (1), following the paved road in a southerly direction, after 4 km we come to a turn on our left (2), which we take if we wish to access the western region of the Prefecture of Rethymnon (Argiroupoli), passing through the mountains of Chania (instead of the coastal area, via Frangokastello).

In that case, we follow the uphill road, continuously climbing on the slope of a nameless summit, for about 3 km.

E4.23 Askifou - Impros - Komitades

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
10500 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities
Bird Watching

From Ammoudari (1), following the asphalt road southwards, we pass through the settlement of Petres (2) and after approximately 4 km we come to a left turn-off (3) which leads to Asfendou and Kallikratis.

We continue in a southerly direction for another 1,5 km and then pass through the village of Imbros (4). In approximately 200 m from the last house, we see amarkshowing the direction to the entrance hut (5) as well as the beginning of the path that leads us to the gorge of Imbros.

E4.22 Niatos - Askifou

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
10000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

The path leading to Askifou begins at the north-eastern corner of the mountain shelter (1). We pass through a small slope and immediately after descend to a low flat area, where a rectangular shepherd’s stone dairy hut is situated among oaks.

From the stone hut, following a rather north-easterly direction, we reach the chapel of Agio Pnevma (2). A path which meanders down between the thick trees of the steep slope begins from the chapel.

The view towards the plateau of Askifou, especially in the evening hours, is magnificent.

E4.20 Kallergis Mountain Shelter - Katsivelli

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
15000 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From the shelter (1), we follow a dirt road which winds on the northern side of lower summits, in an easterly direction. After approximately 45 minutes, we reach a small flat area (2) where there is a sign of the Forestry Authority.

From this point, if we continue a little further to the right, onto a small saddle, where a small ruined stone shepherd’s hut is, we shall enjoy the magnificent view of the gorge of Samaria and of Gigilos.

E4.19 Omalos - Kallergis Mountain Shelter

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
5000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

About 1,5 km before Xiloskalo (1) a dirt road begins, which after 5 km leads to the summit where the Kallergis mountain shelter (2), of the Mountaineering Club of Chania, is located.

Those who wish to ascend directly from Xiloskalo, may take the path which begins at the end of the paved road and follows a north-easterly direction, climbing on the slope parallel to the boundaries of the National Park of Samaria. After approximately 30 minutes, the path crosses a dirt road, on which we continue towards the Kallergis shelter.

E4.17A Agia Irini - Omalos

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
5000 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities
Bird Watching

From the settlement of Agia Irini (1), we cross the stream, pass onto the eastern slope and begin to climb on the old Byzantine path which leads to Omalos, in a north-easterly direction.

The path winds up the ridge. We pass a small saddle and after 2 km we enter a small flat area (2), where we encounter a shepherd’s stone hut and the ruins of another, older one, nearby.

We pass through the flat area and a small dry gully, and continue on the uphill path, with a south-easterly direction, walking on the ridge below and parallel to the main road.

E4.21 Katsiveli - Niatos

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
17000 m
Difficulty Level
Very Hard
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

Departing from Katsiveli (1), we begin to descend on the northern side of the saddle where the mountain shelter Christos Chouliopoulos is located.

We initially pass through by the centre of the slope, for a little while, following the clear path in a northerly direction. In a few minutes, we begin to descend towards the plateau of Livada (2).