Agios Vasilios

Agios Vasilios Municipality

Kotsifos gorge

The gorge of Kotsifos is smaller than the neighbouring Kourtaliotiko gorge, but equally impressive. 

E4.27 Rodakino - Alones

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
10000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

At the entrance (1) of the village Kato Rodakino, 150 m from the stone bridge, an uphill road with a northerly direction begins, which bypasses the settlement. After 550 m, we follow a left uphill turn.

After 150 m, we take a right turn, continue straight, and in the next 350 m we come to a chapel (2).

We continue for another 300 m and then reach a main dirt road (3), which we take northwards; we follow it along the uphill ridge which ends at the foot of the peak of Krioneritis.

E4.32 Moundros - Agouseliana

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
11000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From the square at the northern exit of Moundros (1), we follow the road in a rather south-easterly direction and after 150 m we pass by a chapel.

We continue uphill on a distinct path for another 400 m and then we come to a dirt road (2) which we follow southwards, into a small, bare valley, where a stream and the ruins of an old watermill can be seen.

E4.26 Patsianos - Fragkokastelo - Kato Rodakino

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
17000 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
Nature Activities

From Patsianos and Kapsodasos (1), we follow the main road towards the east. Approximately 950 m after the exit of Kapsodasos, we come to a right-hand turn (2) of the main road which passes through the plain in a southerly direction, and after 2,1 km ends exactly in front of the fortress of Frangokastello (3).

We then follow the asphalt road eastwards for 4,5 km and arrive at the village Skaloti (4).