
Milopotamos Municipality

E4.50 Garazo - Zoniana - Anogia

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
18000 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From Garazo (1), we follow the main road to Anogia for approximately 600 m. We then turn right at the fork (2), towards the village of Omala (3), where we arrive after 900 m on an asphalt road.

We pass through the village and follow the road for 200 m; this leads us to a crossroads of a main dirt road, which we take in a south-easterly direction.

E4.49 Houmeri - Garazo

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
8000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From the northern exit of Ηoumeri (1), we follow the country road in a northerly direction.

We pass an orange grove, and a crossroads on our left side, and continue northwards until we reach a drinking fountain on our right. Immediately after the fountain, two high metal pylons of the electricity company (2) can be seen; we follow the right-hand branch of the dirt road which runs between them.

E4.48 Margarites - Houmeri

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
12500 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

At the north-eastern exit of the village of Margarites, there is a small square (1) from which an uphill road begins, leading to the church of Metamorphosi tou Sotiros (Transfiguration of the Saviour). East of the church a dirt road begins; we take it in a southerly direction, passing through a landscape with cypress and olive trees. After approximately 400 m, we come to a right branch, which we ignore and continue straight on for another 400 m, to the small settlement of Pigouniana (2).

E4.46-47 Arkadi - Eleftherna - Margarites

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
12000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From Arkadi (1), we follow the asphalt road; having passed by a rain water tank on our right-hand side, we reach the ridge of a hill where a small plateau can be seen to our right, from which a path (2) with a north-easterly direction begins.

The old, indistinct path descends gently on a scrub-covered hill. After approximately 1.200 m, it leads to a hollow of the northern side of the hill, where the ruins of a small monastery (3) can be seen, among oaks.

E4.45 Prasies - Arkadi

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
15500 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From Agia Fotini (1), the rough path goes down a steep slope to a plane forested ravine, which we follow northwards until the entrance to the gorge, where it joins the main stream of Potami (2). We walk along the stream bed going towards the entrance to the gorge, formed by the peaks Kefales and Gaspari. Once there, we cross the stream with the plane trees and the oleanders and begin to climb eastwards on aslope covered by low bushes.

E4.44 Armeni - Prasies

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
13500 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From Armeni (1), we follow the road northwards, until the branch which leads to the Late Minoan cemetery. We take the right-hand branch in a north- easterly direction (2) for approximately 800 m, ignoring any side roads. We then come to a right-hand diagonal branch (3) forming an uphill dirt road, on the south of a low hill.

We follow it for about 500 m of straight walk and then the road turns northwards; a few metres further on, we see a path hard to discern (4) on our right side, which we follow.

E4.43 Ano Varsamonero - Armeni

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
6500 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

We pass through Ano Varsamonero (1) and follow a southerly direction for 500 m, until the village of Monopari (2). From the village square, we follow a dirt road in an easterly direction for approximately 600 m, and then take the northern branch of the road, ignoring any secondary ones. After about 900 m of walking, we come to a group of houses (3).

This section of the route passes through a landscape with picturesque views; to Psiloritis towards the east, and to Lefka Ori towards the west.

After 400 m we reach an asphalt road (4).


This is a route for those who wish to get to know the historical Idi (Mt. Psiloritis) massif (where, according to mythology, the god Zeus was born), together with the most significant of its settlements, monumental nature and sites of ancient civilization.

In the Psiloritis massif area there are several communities which have been living in more or less the same way for thousands of years now, leading a pastoral life which has basically remained unchanged since Antiquity.

Route or Trail Type
57 km


This route is specially designed for nature and history enthusiasts. It connects important archaeological sites, historical and ecclesiastical monuments and traditional settlements, and it passes through a verdant landscape where one can also organize various hikes.

Following the old national road from Rethymno (1) in an easterly direction, we reach Adele. We then pass through a beautiful agricultural area where the scenery is dominated by traditional olive groves, interspersed with several small valleys with groups of cypresses.

Route or Trail Type
106 km