The Heraklion Development Agency invites you to a two-day promotion of cultural and gastronomic tours in the hinterland of Heraklion Prefecture, on February 17 & 18, 2025.
In particular, the Heraklion Development Agency is organizing a two-day thematic workshop within the framework of the transnational cooperation project LOCAL TOUR on the topic: “WINE – CHEESE. GASTRONOMIC and DEVELOPMENT SYNERGY”
The thematic workshop will be held on February 17 and 18, 2025 in Archanes (Wine & Vine Information Center – DIAS Complex).
This is an action of the transnational cooperation project “LOCAL TOUR”, implemented under Sub-Measure 19.3 CLLD/LEADER, of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.
The Local Tour cooperation scheme concerns transnational cooperation between 22 Local Action Groups from two countries (Greece and Cyprus) with the main objective of developing local, intra-regional and transnational actions of collective interest, to achieve synergies and create integrated interventions in the field of gastronomic culture. Corresponding seminars will be held by all Local Action Groups.
A prerequisite for participation in the thematic workshop organized by the Heraklion Development Agency is that the beneficiaries are entrepreneurs and workers in the gastronomic tourism sector in these areas, as well as producers of local products. Emphasis will be placed on the participation of businesses that have been supported under the Rural Development Programme (current and previous programming periods).
The aim of the action is for the local population to be informed about the opportunities that gastronomic tourism offers both to businesses and to the economy of the region, to learn about good examples from other regions of Europe and the country, to be educated in the concept of “honest product” and the value it has for each visitor and to become an ambassador of gastronomic tourism for their region.
Interested entrepreneurs, employees, producers of local products as well as those involved in gastronomic tourism who are interested in participating in the program are invited to complete an application and the relevant questionnaire here by Friday 13.12.2024.
See more here.