JoInOuT | Results presentation

JoinOut Results

JoInOuT | Results presentation

On Sunday 26 November 2023, the project entitled “Joint Innovative Activities for Outdoor Tourism” and acronym “JoInOuT” was presented in Heraklion, Crete.

During the final event, the actions of the project as well as the results of the pioneering and innovative initiative in the Rural Tourism sector and entrepreneurship in general were presented.

JoInOuT is a project of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, consists of 13 member-companies, has a purely research character and concerns technological innovations in the tourism sector and new products and services that enrich the content of the tourist experience, improve the business model and contribute to the upgrading, development and competitiveness of rural tourism in Greece.

More specifically, the innovative results of the project concern:

  1. Interactive Contact / Chatbot: NEUROLINGO has created a Chatbot according to which, through the interface, the user can search for information on specific thematic fields of rural tourism
  2. Environmental Data: DRAXIS, through a technological platform, enriches information on points of interest, routes and general content related to a specific geographical location, with environmental and climate data, for use by visitors, businesses and institutions.
  3. Recommendations for Outdoor Activities: GREEKFERRIES combines travel ticket purchase services with additional information on small local business proposals that match the traveller’s profile.
  4. Electronic Ticket for combination of services: MCBS creates a personal electronic destination card with the ability to compose permissible combinations and choices by the traveller.
  5. Virtual Tour in the countryside (Sitia Geopark): OAS S.A. created geotourism tour services using augmented reality technologies in areas of outstanding natural beauty (Sitia Geopark) and suggestions in the planning phase of the trip.
  6. Geotourism information and guidance application (Psiloritis Geopark): DAIDALOS S.A. created spatial information services and promotion of local businesses in the Psiloritis Geopark.
  7. Business Intelligence Product: AEGEAN SOLUTIONS creates a decision-making and business intelligence platform through which different types of data on tourism, target markets and traffic are collected, visualized and shared.
  8. Opinion Analysis and Reputation Management Applications: CHOOSE created innovative Marketing and Branding with reputation management applications, leveraging the analysis of emotions and causes recorded in online opinions.
  9. Brand design: ALTERVISION has created an innovative branding tool for outdoor activities
  10. Destination Management for Digital Nomads: P.AN.ETAI.K S.A. conducted research and study of typical destinations, conditions and conditions for attracting “digital nomads”.
  11. Promotion services to bus passengers: KTEL S.A. has created “en route” services to promote areas and businesses based on the current geographical location of each bus to its passengers.
  12. Information – Awareness services: IDEA created services for entrepreneurs and employees of the epaithros network, aiming to develop professional skills through a distance and innovative educational approach.

In addition to the JoInOuT partner companies, the event was attended by members of the epaithros network, representatives of local government, as well as representatives of the scientific and business community.

The event concluded with the wish and expectation that JoInOuT’s innovations will serve the vision and objectives of the epaithros Network and will become a pillar and helper of rural tourism.

The project entitled "Joint Innovative Activities for Outdoor Tourism" and distinctive title: "JoInOuT", is implemented within the framework of the Action "Cooperative Innovation Formations/SCC" - 2nd Call: Businesses" and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by National Resources in the context of the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)" of the NSRF 2014-2020" (Project code: ΓΓ2CL-0359457).