
Rethimno Prefecture

E4.37-38 Gerakari - Amari - Fourfouras

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
15000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

After the Iroon square in Gerakari (1), we continue for 450 m to the northern exit of the village. We then turn right on the dirt road (2), which we leave after 150 m and descend to a vague path that goes along a small ravine (3) and then ascends to the village of Elenes (4).

E4.27 Rodakino - Alones

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
10000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

At the entrance (1) of the village Kato Rodakino, 150 m from the stone bridge, an uphill road with a northerly direction begins, which bypasses the settlement. After 550 m, we follow a left uphill turn.

After 150 m, we take a right turn, continue straight, and in the next 350 m we come to a chapel (2).

We continue for another 300 m and then reach a main dirt road (3), which we take northwards; we follow it along the uphill ridge which ends at the foot of the peak of Krioneritis.

E4.25 Kallikratis Plateau - Patsianos

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
7000 m
Difficulty Level
Path Markers
Nature Activities

Departing from the church at Kallikratis, we come to a left turn (going to Asi Gonia), at the exit of the village (1); we ignore it and continue straight on, passing through a small plateau and a few scattered clusters of deserted houses.

After about 1.200 m, we see a low hill on our right, on top of which there is a chapel (2). Immediately after the hill, the road goes along the eastern bank of a dry water course, for 1.500 m.