Agios Nikolaos

Agios Nikolaos Municipality

Kremasta (Hanging) Convent

The name of the Convent is connected to its citadel-type architecture and its location, making it seem like its hanging from the hillside.

Aretiou Monastery

The Monastery was founded between 1580 and 1596 and it is dedicated to the Holy Trinity.

The Thrypti Range

The province of Siteia is covered by the Siteia mountains – the highest of which are Thrypti/Afenti (1476 m) at the west and Ornos (1237 m) to the north.

Kritsa gorge

The gorge of Kritsa begins at the north-eastern exit of the historical village of Kritsa and ends up at a flat area 2,5 kilometres to the north.

Aghios Nikolaos-Selakano-Kritsa

This route, for the most part passes through a verdant landscape with an intricate geomorphology. It also passes through traditional villages, an extended pine forest and one of the most beautiful plateau of Crete. In addition, it offers many opportunities for hikes.

Aghios Nikolaos - Kalamafka - Males - Selakano

We set off from the picturesque town of Aghios Nikolaos (1), following the coastal road to Istron. From then on we continue south-westwards driving inland, and we make our first stop at the little village of Prina (2)

Route or Trail Type
84 km