
This enchanting of small beach, secluded by being set at the mouth of a gorge, is surrounded by tall and sheer cliffs in which caves have formed. The village of Aghios Panteleimonas lies behind the beach.

Pebbly and with seep blue waters, the strand also has a number of springs from which flow cool, drinkable water all the year round. Indeed a small rivulet flows from them to the sea.

At Aghios Panteleimonas, with its church to that saint, you can sip a cup of refreshing coffee under the massive plane trees at the cafenion right by the rivulet.

To get here, follow the 15 km-long dirt-road from Achendrias, passing the Monastery to Aghios Nikitas en route.

Though barely a couple of kilometers west of Tsoutsouras, no passable road connects them, only a path: the journey takes roughly 20 minutes, with some fantastic views over the Libyan sea as you go. Midway you will come to the Drakospilia (the Cave of the Dragon), around which many stories revolve.

If in the neighbourhood, do not forget to call in to the Monastery of Aghios Nikitas, likewise the really pretty beach of the same name by the monastery.