E4.81 Thripti - Orino

Almost none difficulty

From the central flat area (1) of Thripti, we set off eastwards on a road which presentlyturns north-eastwards and after 500 m we come to a crossroads.

We continue straight for another 450 m, passing along the slope, among scattered farmhouses; then, the uphill road begins to turn eastwards. We ignore a right-hand side road and immediately after a left one and continue for 550 m, still on the main unsurfaced road which winds on the slope.

After 350 m we reach another crossroads and take its northern branch, until a saddle (2); once there, we take a rather downhill dirt road in an easterly direction. A kilometre after the saddle, we come to the right-hand turn-off (3) which leads to the summit of Afendis Stavromenos (1.476 m). We continue eastwards on the main dirt road, ignoring the many little side roads.

After 4 km we arrive at the village of Orino (4), built on the slope of a beautiful, verdant ravine, and descend to its picturesque square.

South of the village there is a small gorge, the natural outlet of the lush green valley of Orinó; aroad passes through the gorge, leading to the coastal area of Mavros Kolimbos.