Gonies' Ophiolites

A rather unique and rare group of rocks appears in the broader area of Sklavokampos and Anogeia. The best observation point is around the Gonies village, where they form the entire hill of Philormos. This group is called ophiolites and consists of other individual rocks such as gabbros, peridotites, pyroxenites, and serpentinites. These ophiolites are deep sections of the oceanic crust formed by submarine volcanoes about 140 million years ago. 

Their exposure on the Earth's surface causes alterations, transforming all rocks into serpentinites, a fairly soft, greenish rock. According to archaeological research, ophiolites from Gonies have been used for the construction of many objects from the Minoan period.

The geosite description is a result of the deliverable of the research project Joint Innovative Activities for Outdoor Tourism-JoinOut. The project entitled "Partnership of Innovative Rural Tourism Actions" and distinctive title: "JoInOuT", is implemented within the framework of the Action "Cooperative Innovation Formations/SCC" - 2nd Call: Businesses" and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by National Resources in the context of the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)" of the NSRF 2014-2020" (Project code: ΓΓ2CL-0359457).