Sarakina gorge

A small but very beautiful gorge, which is located near the village of Mithi, 22 kilometres west of Ierapetra, at the south-eastern foot of mount Dikti.

It is 1,5 kilometre long. Its width varies between 10 and 3 metres, while its walls reach the height of 150 metres. Despite its small size, its characteristics create a very imposing scenery. The walk down the gorge takes 1 hour and the outlet is located at a wide watercourse, which a few kilometres further on drains into the sea, at the coastal village of Mirtos.

Kriopotamos stream flows through the gorge almost all year round; in summer the gorge can be walked through, while in spring it is ideal for canyoning.

Locals also call it Sarandapichos gorge. According to mythology, a giant named Sarandapichos, bent down to have a drink of water from the stream, as he passed by the mountain. Then, his long beard tore the mountain in two, thus creating the gorge.

The natural environment in the gorge is magical. During the walk one admires a rich vegetation of tall plane trees, oleanders, myrtles and chaste trees (Vitex agnus-castus), as well as pools of water and waterfalls which one must cross cautiously.

Boulders fallen in the stream bed, and natural rock arches through which visitors pass to continue their walk, are some of the most impressive geological formations seen in the gorge.