Archaeological Museum of Rethymnon

The collecting of the museum exhibits began in 1888, on the initiative of the Greek Educational Association of Rethymnon. Until 1990 the museum was accommodated in the Loggia. In 1991 it was moved into a pentagonal building that can be seen in front of the Fortezza main gate.

The exhibits originate from various locations in the Prefecture of Rethymnon and cover the prehistoric period, as well as the historic era.

The Neolithic (3500-2900 BC) and the Early Minoan (2800-2100 BC) finds discovered in the Melidoni cave mainly consist of pottery and sculpture.

Finds discovered in the Minoan villas at Apodoulou and Monastiraki, as well as in the peak sanctuary at Vrisinascan be seen in the section of the museum that is dedicated to the Middle Minoan era (2100-1600 BC). The numerous seals and a clay model of an altar of which only the top part is preserved, are very interesting.

Visitors also have the opportunity to see exhibits from the Late Minoan period (1600-1100 BC), the Geometrical era (1000-700 BC), the Archaic years (700-500 BC) and the Classical period (500-300BC).The exhibits from the Hellenistic era and the Roman years are also worth seeing, especially a marble statue of Aphrodite, which is a Roman copy of the famous Hellenistic statue known as Aphrodite of Milos.

The museum also proudly displays a large collection of coins from various periods, which is quite remarkable.

Visiting Hours

November 1st - March 31st 
08:30 – 15:30

April 1st - October 31st
 09:00 – 17:00

Closed every Tuesday.