Historical and Folklore Museum of Viannos

In Ano Viannos, one can visit the Municipal Historical and Folklore Museum which was founded in 1997 by Dimitris and Aliki Spanakis. The exhibits collected and displayed, evidence of times past, reflect the lifestyle, the mores and customs, as well as the daily activities of the local people: the loom, the old kitchen utensils, the bridal bed with the dowry linens, the shepherd/cheesemaker with all his equipment, the musician with his musical instruments, the sombre gloomy German Occupation period… all are representedin the museum.

All exhibits are donations bylocal families.

The Historical and Folklore Museum of Viannos is the only place in Greece where objects related to the life of the well-known Greek, Viannos-born, author Ioannis Kondylakis are displayed, such as manuscripts, photographs, personal items, all his works, various published texts and many more.

The Historical and Folklore Museum of Viannos is open daily, at least during the summer months.

Visiting Hours

By appointment