Maritime Museum of Crete

The MaritimeMuseumis located at the entrance to the historical fortress of Firkas. It was founded in 1973 and has been awarded by the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece.

The museum extends over two storeys and is separated into thirteen sections that span from Antiquity to the Battle of Crete. The permanent exhibition includes 2.500 exhibits such as relics, objects retrieved from the seabed, paintings, maps, photographic material, ship models, various nautical instruments, etc.

The maritime environment exhibition is quite remarkable, with a rich collection of shells from various parts of the world.

In the museum one can also see a model of a Minoan ship, named “Minoas”.

The library of the museum features a rich collection of Greek and foreign publications of nautical content.

Visiting Hours

Monday - Saturday
09:00 - 16:00
