Kalo Nero Beach

Here is the village (Good Water – from some springs here) and the beach of the same name. In essence, it is one of three conjoined strands – Koustounari, Staousa and Anaskelou.

A lovely, secluded beach with crystal-clear waters. There is no infrastructure. Despite this (or because of it …) it is worth a visit – beauty, peace and relaxation: an attractive cocktail!

Koutsounari the first beach on the west is a secluded pebbly one, with plenty of rocks in the sea.

The central section, Staousa, has small pebbles and crystal waters: when there, take a look at the cave at the east end. A small path, with steps, gives access to the beach from the road.

Anaskelou, the easternmost, has small pebbles on shore and large rocks in the sea: shut off from the local winds, it is used as a small harbour for small boats.

When hereabouts, the church of the Lady of Kalo Nero is worth a visit: built in 1881 on the ruins of a chapel to the Virgin, which in turn was a dependency of the Moni Kapsa and goes back to 1461.

Very close to Kalo Nero is Moni Kapsa, and its accompanying beach.