
The beach of Lavrakas is one of the most secluded in Gavdos; it is accessible only by foot from the beach of Agios Ioannis – a walk of about 2 km.

Located near the northern tip of Gavdos, it is pristine, with crystal clear waters and golden sands. South lies a cedar forest.

Its name probably comes from the word "labrys" which means a double-axe: a potent Minoan symbol. Indeed, to the south of the beach have found 20 tombs of the Minoan period. These chambers have been linked to the myth of Calypso, since many associate the island of this Homeric demi-goddess with Gavdos.

To get here you will have to walk from Agios Ioannis, wading in the sea along the shoreline. In some places the water comes up to your waist; the journey will take you about 30 minutes. Make sure you have with you water and everything else you need because the beach has absolutely no infrastructure.