Mavri (black) and Aspri (white) Beaches

Aspri Paralia

Secluded, it cannot be reached in a vehicle, only in a privately hired boat from a nearby harbour. It has pebbles, light in colour, and crystal-clear deep water. Due to its isolation, it is preferred by nudists. Naturally, it is not developed, no rent-rooms nor any other facilities.

The next beach to the east is Mavri Paralia.

Mavri Paralia

This takes its name from the colour of the very small pebbles, but can also be called Aspes. It too is secluded, and inaccessible by road; you must take a boat.

As there is no organization on either, you must make sure to buy all you need before starting on your trip.

Surrounded by high cliffs, it has sand, small pebbles and deep, clear blue waters. It has some oddly shaped caves. Again due to its isolation, it attracts nudists.

Skiadaki beach is the next, immediately to the east.