Potamos (Malia)

Mallia lies 37 km east of Heraklion and is a popular destination, with an excellent infrastructure and ‘vibrant’ nightlife. It has several beaches.

Those who prefer to avoid/escape the crowds that the main beach at Malia attracts choose that of Potamos to the east: it is named after a small river that flows there forming a wetland of great importance. It is some 700 m long: with sand, blue crystalline waters, some rocky outcrops at the edges and a few tamarisks around.

If you go at the start of autumn, you will chance upon the white sea-lilies that grow in the sand: the heralds of autumn.

Potamos is well organized – as indeed is the main beach too: you will find sunbeds, umbrellas, toilets, showers and plenty of water-sports. Because of its northern exposure, the beach is affected by the strong winds from the north. A lifeguard is present to watch over the well-being of the swimmers.

If in Malia, do visit the archaeological site of the Minoan palace and its town, which is close to the eat end of the Potamos beach: its presence dictates that the hotels and similar touristic developments are restricted to the western end of the beach.

Here there is s small space for mooring fishing smacks and small private crafts.

In Malia, on the other hand, you will find large hotel complexes, hotels of as many stars as you can afford, rentable rooms and apartments, tavernas, restaurants, cafeterias, bars and a huge range of shops for all your holiday needs.