Sfendoni Cave, Zoniana

The Sfendoni Hole Cave is located at the entrance of the village of Zoniana in a privileged position overlooking the valley of Mylopotamos. It is one of the two accessible caves of Psiloritis, accessible even by people with disabilities, and one of the most beautiful and significant in Greece in terms of its decoration. The cave develops within the limestone of the "Tripolis" a few dozen meters above their contact with the rocks of Phyllites-slates.

A significant role in its creation was played by a large fault that delineates the entire slope of the area. Water followed along the fault forming an elongated cave with an area of ​​approximately 3,000 square meters. Visitors have the opportunity to see 2/3 of the cave's area by exploring a corridor with a total length of 270 meters.

The geosite description is a result of the deliverable of the research project Joint Innovative Activities for Outdoor Tourism-JoinOut. The project entitled "Partnership of Innovative Rural Tourism Actions" and distinctive title: "JoInOuT", is implemented within the framework of the Action "Cooperative Innovation Formations/SCC" - 2nd Call: Businesses" and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by National Resources in the context of the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)" of the NSRF 2014-2020" (Project code: ΓΓ2CL-0359457).