Diskouriou Monastery

Diskouriou Monastery is located near the traditional hamlet of Axos and served as a glebe of Halepa Monastery.

Diskouriou Monastery

It must have been in operation during the late years of Venetian Rule, as it is listed in 1630 in the list of Mylopotamos villages. The fact that an important religious centre was located here is also proven by the fact that a very old Byzantine Chapel dedicated to Saint John is situated next to the Monastery.

This is a monastery of citadel-style architecture, with the catholicon dedicated to Saint George situated at the middle of the structure.

Although the Monastery has its roots in the era of Venetian rule, after successive destructions, it underwent extensive interventions during the 20th century and, as a result, the few elements that highlight its original farm have been preserved.

During the revolution of 1821, the Monastery was set on fire and destroyed, while the earthquake of 1856 caused extensive damage. The Monastery played a significant role during the revolutions of 1866-1869 and, as a result, was set on fire by the Ottomans.