Agios Vasilios

Agios Vasilios Municipality


These two islets, in all some 3 km long, lie some 7.5 nautical miles off the south coastline of the Rethymnon Prefecture and are visible from all along its l

Triopetra Beach, Large and Small

Its name comes from its dominating feature: three impressive rocks that emerge from the blue sea: two strands make it up – Large (at the west) and Little (at

Keramiani Gialia

Those on the road as it leaves Kerame are the ones in question. Small, with sand and pebbles, surrounded by massive rocks.

Plakias Beaches

East of Foteinari, some 2 km off, are the beaches of Skinos, the central one at Plakias and Paligremnos.

Damnoni Beaches

Very close to Plakias, following the road eastwards, is found the beach of Phoinikas (Palms) or the Pirates’ Fjord.