
Sitia Municipality

E4.79 Vassiliki - Thripti

Route or Trail Type
Path Length
11000 m
Difficulty Level
Relatively easy
Path Markers
E4 (Yellow/Black)
Nature Activities

From Vassiliki (1), we follow the asphalt road eastwards. Having passed north of the low hill with the remnants of the Early Minoan settlement, we reach the main road that connects Agios Nikolaos to Ierapetra (2); we cross it and get to a dirt road, at the beginning of which a shrine can be seen. We continue eastwards, rather uphill, through olive groves; we leave a double turn-off on our right side and a little further uphill another one on our left, until we come to a main unsurfaced road which we follow to the right.


This route passes through the most beautiful landscapes of Eastern Crete, such as breathtaking beaches, notable archaeological sites and one of the best known monasteries of Crete. In order to visit all these sights, it is preferable to divide the route into different parts, choosing one of the intermediate stops as a starting point, along the way.

The region of Sitia seems quite different from the rest of Crete, given its characteristic off-the-beaten-track character.

Route or Trail Type
105 km