Agioi Pantes rock formations

In the small gorge of Agioi Pantes, to the west of the town of Sitia, impressive rock formations and shapes appear as a result of intense erosion of the Miocene limestone in the area by water and wind. The intense yellow color of the rocks, combined with the various hues of the rock oxides, create aesthetically beautiful images. Additionally, several species of marine fossils are hosted, mainly bivalves and sea urchins. The gorge is located near the area of Skopi, west of Sitia, and ends at the beach of Agioi Pantes, next to the monastery of Faneomeni. Crossing it is relatively easy, with a length of 3.5 kilometers. Visitors have the opportunity to enjoy a route rich in vegetation with plane trees that provide shade during the summer months and abundant water from the small river of Skafidara during winter. At the exit of the gorge, a wetland is formed by the river's waters. The impressive rock formations encountered along the route are the result of erosion of the Miocene limestone by climatic conditions. 

The geosite description is a result of the research project Joint Innovative Activities for Outdoor Tourism-JoinOut. The project entitled "Partnership of Innovative Rural Tourism Actions" and distinctive title: "JoInOuT", is implemented within the framework of the Action "Cooperative Innovation Formations/SCC" - 2nd Call: Businesses" and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by National Resources in the context of the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)" of the NSRF 2014-2020" (Project code: ΓΓ2CL-0359457).