Katholiko Gorge

The Gorge of Katholiko, also known as To Avlaki tou Agίou (= water channel of the saint), as locals call it, is located at the northern end of Akrotίri, near Chania, very close to Gouverneto Monastery.

It is a small gorge of exceptional beauty, no more than 1 km in length, and it ends up at a little rocky cove. It is ideal for those who look for an easy walk that combines a beautiful setting with some mysticism, owing to the monuments that can be visited along the way. 

In order to reach the gorge entrance, one sets off from Gouverneto Monastery, and follows the stone paved path that goes down the slope.

The stone-paved path descends the slope in an easterly direction, above the stream bed.

The footpath passes by the Cave of Panagia Arkoudiotissa and a little further down it reaches a breathtaking spot, where the very old, deserted today Monastery of Katholiko dominates the view. The monastery is built on the side of the gorge, which is connected to the opposite cliff by a great single-arched bridge. 

Lower on the slope, a little after Katholiko, one enters the main section of the gorge. After about 30 minutes through a watercourse full of wild olive trees, carob trees and oleanders, one reaches a beautiful cove, which in the past was used as a harbor, by the monks.