
Sitia Municipality

Beaches on Cape Sidero

Continuing the exploration of the beaches as one goes north onto Cape Sidero, the first one meets are Tentas and Aghios Isidoros.

Beaches at Itanos

By the ancient town of Itanos stretch three exquisite beaches, in an area excellent for relaxation and diving alike.

Beaches around Vai

Heading north into the broader region of Vai, the first beach you meet is that of Psili Ammos.

Skinias Beach

In essence this is two isolated beaches, with crystal-clear waters, surrounded by cliffs. The southern is pebbly, whilst the northern has sand.

Karoumes Beach

Lying at the mouth of the Chochlakies Gorge, this is a lovely, calm beach with sand, small gravelly stones and clear and crystalline waters which deepen sudd

Kato Zakros

A small seaside settlement with a wonderful and peaceful pebble beach, and blue crystalline waters with a fascinating sea-bed, just right for exploration.

Beaches of Xerokampos

Gerontolakos Beach

By Cape Trachilos in a small bay is Gerontolakos beach, or Aghios Nikolaos as it can be called.

The beaches west of Xerokampos

Limani (port) Ammatou Beach

With its small natural harbour (for the small boats of the locals), this is a quiet secluded beach with pebbles, sand and

Aghia Irini Beach

This is situated between Goudouras and Xerokampos, at the mouth of the Aghia Irini gorge.