Vasilikata Social Cooperative Enterprise of Collective and Social Benefit of life society

The Social Cooperative Enterprise of Collective and Social Benefit of life society VASILIKATA, located in the Lassithi Plateau, focuses primarily on thematic rural tourism and agritourism. It took its name from the Venetian cartographic engineer FRANCESCO BASILICATA, who was the one who created the first engravings of Crete and placed the Lassithi Plateau on maps. The three main pillars of VASILIKATA are: 

Kamares Gorge


The Asites are divided into two traditional settlements, Ano Asites and Kato Asites.

Platania Gorge


The gorge located just north of the homonymous settlement is somewhat different from the other gorges in Crete.

Margarites Gorge

Margarites Gorge is located 30 kilometers from the city of Rethymno and has been formed from limestone rocks 8-10 million years old as a result of the gradua

Charakas Prinia

Along the geological path to the Pites tis Grias, a limestone boulder stands prominently within the Neogene rocks of the area. 

Pites tis Grias

One of the most curious geosites on Mount Psiloritis is undoubtedly the "Pites tis Grias" in the area near the village of Prinias.

Gious Kambos

The Gious Kambos is located on the northwestern slopes of Mount Kedros, between the Amari Valley and Spili, about 31 km southeast of Rethymno.

Slopes of Vosakos

Different types of rocks from the Plakoi limestone unit are found along the route from the settlement of Kato Doxaro to the Monastery of Vosakos.